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Writer's picturePapa George

Africa – Archer’s Post mission in north Kenya, June 5, 2022

Pr. Simon is on outreach in the area around his home in Archer’s Post in north Kenya today.

Pr. Simon Lobei Ndori was born in Samburu County of South Rift Valley of northern Kenya. His father was stolen as a child by one of the warring tribes and was raised with them, where he eventually married and Simon was born. Because of that, he has no history with his relatives. The blessing of that circumstance is that he knows 8 different languages. In 1997 the lord called Simon while he was in Ngare-Mare looking after their sheep. It was around 3:00 pm when he fell asleep and the sheep got lost but while in the deep sleep he heard a voice calling his name three times, “Simon, Simon, Simon”. On waking up from his sleep, he found himself crying. Immediately, he knew that the Lord Jesus Christ was calling him, however, he kept asking himself, “What was the purpose that he was created?” He kept wondering, “God, did you create me for this work?” Then he heard a voice from afar saying, “Come to Me and make a crusade”. He had a vision where the Lord showed him a big harvest.

Eight of 47 districts in Kenya make up the NFD (Northern Frontier District). Five of the districts border the Samburu District and represent tribes that have a history of warring against each other. The region is very dry and people live nomadically (moving for food & water) or are isolated in groups that live in manyattas (stick huts) with long distances between them and others. This makes transportation and communication very difficult. Simon started reaching tribes using equipment that was donated by Christ (or Tribes) Discipleship Mission moving manyatta to manyatta evangelizing and showing the Jesus film.

Simon registered as Christ Transformation Church in 2012 and started a Bible school to train pastors and leaders and began work as the HVA coordinator in August 2015 and now has planted churches in remote areas including the Turkana, Rendile, Samburu, and also one in Ethiopia. Simon, his wife Rose, and his children live in Archer’s Post in the Samburu District where they rent a home. Rose operates a beauty salon to help meet the needs of the family.

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