At such a time as this, the Lord is asking us to continue to follow
the leading of the apostolic work being done through
Pr. Martin, our director in central Africa.
After the death of our coordinator in South Sudan a few years ago and the ongoing civil unrest and violence, we have not been able to advance the gospel as the Lord directed us.
We now have a brother, Zechariah,
who will be leading the evangelistic outreach and church planting in that nation.
We will be providing him
a motorbike ($1,100) and some solar-powered equipment
needed for outreach and providing a monthly support of $150/month.
The Harvest Kids will be helping purchase some land
next to the Harvest Doves primary school that will allow the community
and students to learn to farm and produce food for the school
and for other expense they need.
The vision will include starting two other schools
in eastern and western Uganda to reach the children.
Each school would also have farm land adjacent to the school.
We will start planting the macadamia trees on the 30-acre farm that was purchased last year
to provide support for the ministry.
Funds from the USA will be used to expand to other areas and nations.
It will take about 3-4 years to realize a substantial harvest.
Lastly, we have always recognized that much of the money that is available is being used for transportation.
Whether it is moving crops that are harvested in different parts of Uganda
or the transporting of evangelistic teams.
A truck needed to fulfill that need and
help us be better stewards of our resources will cost $20,000.
We pray that you will join with us as we support our co-laborers in expanding the
Kingdom work that God has entrusted to us.
There is only one King and one Kingdom.
Uganda is 93,000 square miles.
Washington state is 71,300 square miles.
Uganda population is 47 million (50% 14 years old or younger);
Washington state is 7.8 million. The population of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming and Colorado is 20 million.