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Writer's picturePapa George

Africa – May testimonies, June 9, 2022

We are so grateful for the testimonies from our different co-laborers serving in the different areas in Uganda, Kenya, South Sudan, Burundi, and the DRCongo.

Their faithfulness to sacrifice, including the sacrifices of their families, for the sake of reaching those in their communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ, is a true testimony of the power of God working through the lives of those that have chosen to deny themselves and pick up their cross daily to follow Jesus.

It is a privilege to be partnered with them in the harvest fields where the Lord has positioned them. One of the most humbling characteristics of the work that the Holy Spirit has done in their lives is their faithfulness to always be praying and interceding for their co-laborers here in the USA and Mexico that are likewise praying and interceding for them on the other side of the globe.

In Burundi and the DRCongo, they just testified to 10 outreaches that they were able to coordinate in May that witnessed 475 new believers accepting Jesus and 87 being baptized. These are now being discipled by local believers who will get them connected to a local church fellowship so they can be taught to obey everything that Jesus has commanded them and become true disciples.

To God be the Glory!

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