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Writer's picturePapa George

Africa outreaches – March 20, 2020

We are so blessed and encouraged to share the testimony that our coordinators in central Africa organized 31 outreaches in February and 1,450 new believers were ushered into the kingdom. Wayne and I were blessed to be with the coordinators from Uganda, Kenya, South Sudan, Burundi and the DRCongo on March 9th in Kampala, Uganda. We were blessed with testimonies of God’s faithfulness and were able to give them water filters and 260 solar-powered audio bibles in 14 different languages. Later, we visited our coordinator in north Kenya before driving back to Uganda.

Since our return on March 16th, Kenya and Uganda both implemented controls to minimize the impact of the corona virus. We were blessed to receive this response from Kennedy, our central Uganda outreach coordinator, and encouraged how quickly he adjusted to the circumstances and to maintain the mission of the church.

“Yesterday the government stopped all church services and outdoor gatherings in Uganda for 32 days. So no open air crusades for 32 days. So We are shifting the fishing method. We will do 32 days of door to door evangelism and giving out leaflets talking about eternal life. We can all print them out and distribute them for the people to read wherever we will preach in these 32 days. I just left office with my printed documents for photocopy and I meet some men and began teaching them through it. Two of them have received Jesus and promised to go to victory city church for Sunday services. I gave them David’s number. Now I have to go back to office to print other copies for photocopying.” “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.” (Mt 11:12)

“On that day a great persecution broke out against the church at Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.” (Acts 8:1, 4

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