We are so blessed to have
“such a cloud of witnesses”
(Hebrews 12:1)
to partner with…
…and be blessed
with their testimonies of
God’s faithfulness as they choose
to forsake everything for the reaching
of the “brokenhearted and crushed in spirit”
(Psalm 34:18)…
…and to
“seek and save the lost”
(Luke 19:10)
in their communities and other areas of
central Africa.
All the coordinators in these countries are encouraging and training pastors, leaders, and believers to share their faith and then continue to follow up by teaching them by example to obey what Jesus has commanded us.
Simply – Love God and love others.
Their faithfulness in sharing gave 1,539 people the opportunity to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and receive through the forgiveness of sin their rightful inheritance in the kingdom.
Even now as we are at the end of July, we are receiving testimonies every day of salvations, healings, and deliverance,
including many that have been under the spell of witchcraft and others that were of the Muslim faith.
They are enduring incredible trials and sufferings,
but God’s grace continues to supply their every need.
The droughts have devastated many areas and there are food shortages throughout all these areas of Uganda, Kenya, South Sudan, Burundi, and the DRCongo.
The enemy continues to ravish them with violence, including burning homes and murdering countless civilians in the eastern DRCongo and attacks on leaders and other believers everywhere.
God has allowed them to face and go through life-threatening accidents
which have slowed them for a moment,
but they are just as
quickly restored back into
the winning of souls.
Over and over,
we see the faithfulness of God
in the lives of each of
those that choose to deny
themselves daily,
pick up their cross
and follow Jesus so that
He might finish the Father’s business
(Luke 9:23)