We are looking forward to this week of fellowship with young people in our community.
You are welcome to bring your children for a great time of fellowship and fun as these young leaders from Child’s Evangelism Fellowship share the love and joy of Jesus with them.
Monday-Friday, July 11-15 from 12:30-2 pm.
Please call if you need more information.
It will be at the Garden of Eden family ministry, 14799 Avon Allen Rd in west Mt. Vernon.
We provide a safe, non-threatening, drug and alcohol-free environment
for Christians and their families and friends to fellowship, share the love of Jesus,
and encourage and pray for one another.
The property includes a garden, petting zoo, picnic area, worship trailer, and fellowship center.
The picnic area has tables, running water, a fire pit, and a BBQ.
The playground equipment includes
volleyball, soccer, tetherball, horseshoes, badminton, and other games.