What a wonderful time of year when people begin to think about giving and helping others. Over 2,000 years ago, we were given a gift. A baby named Jesus. The gift was not unwrapped until He died on the Cross for the forgiveness of the sin of all mankind and we were given the opportunity to receive the gift of eternal life. Jesus spent His whole life on earth with an eternal perspective. This was not His home and it isn’t really ours when we accept Jesus and His promise. How much of our giving today has an eternal perspective? Jesus said, “Rejoice with Me; I have found My lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” We just received testimonies from 3 coordinators in Uganda, Burundi and the DRCongo. They coordinated 12 outreaches in November, 785 sheep came to the Shepherd and 150 have been baptized. What rejoicing! We have 6 coordinators in central Africa, El Salvador and Australia that are working to reach the lost in their areas and can reach even more if they have additional equipment. Please consider whether you would like to help them give the gift that truly keeps on giving.
If you would like to make a donation, they can be made on line at www.myegiving/hvm or the “electronic giving” on the home page of the www.harvestvisionministries.org website or through PayPal to harvestvision21@msn.com or send to Harvest Vision Ministries, PO Box 733, Sedro Woolley, WA, 98284.