Are you ready for some quiet time in the presence of the Lord?
The Harvest Kids
would like to invite you
to a wonderful time of
fun and enjoyment
the Garden of Eden fellowship center
west Mt. Vernon
on Saturday afternoon
from 2-4pm
They are hosting a bingo game and are inviting everyone to come.
Over the last year, they have opened up their hearts to serve our community
by doing this outreach.
These young people are learning
to be true disciples by learning
it is better to give than receive
and we are grateful that they
collect their change and crush aluminum cans
to help vulnerable children in central Africa.
We are praying some will honor them by attending and encouraging them.
The Garden of Eden is located at 14799 Avon Allen Rd.
For information call 360-421-8811, 360-421-8812 or 360-982-8159.