We are excited to see the progress at the
Garden of Eden family ministry
14799 Avon Allen Rd
Mt. Vernon, Washington USA
and we are looking forward to the fellowship opportunities that it will provide for those in our community.
We are getting ready to build the new playground equipment that arrived this week and to begin planting in the garden.
The blueberries are in and we are getting ready to start the strawberries and raspberries and the vegetables.
Also, the fellowship center has been completed and is available.
Weekly fellowship
We currently are having Salt & Light fellowship services
Sundays at 1pm and 4pm
…and another fellowship has started meeting once a month on Saturday morning
Please feel free to stop by and check it out. A picnic area and other equipment (horseshoes, volleyball, tetherball, etc) are available.
We could always use the help,
but most of all,
our Father in heaven
really enjoys watching His family living and sharing life with one another.
You can call
360-421-8811 or 360-421-8812
for information
or check the website www.harvestvisionministries.org