What a beautiful day to gather for our Harvest Kids

We were blessed to have Joseph join us today and to know that the Lord allowed him to be the one that would stand in the gap for the other young people that were unable to join us today. We pray they enjoyed being used by God in the harvest fields they had been called into today.

After an early morning visit to say Hi to our friends that live in the petting zoo…

…we joined Joseph in crushing some of the aluminum cans that had been donated and will be used to help send support for the Comfort Africa orphan outreach in Uganda.
We also counted the Change the World donations.
This added another $77 to the money already donated
to do a special project for the 150 children
at the church in the slums of Kampala, the capital of Uganda.
Pastor Martin, who oversees the ministry in central Africa,
is working with the children’s leader in that church on a project
the Harvest Kids can do to encourage and possibly meet some of their basic needs.
After Mama Odette led us in songs…

…our friends from Child’s Evangelism Fellowship
helped us play some games
and shared a lesson on Genesis 1:1

They shared about the animals that were created, how we came to be, and how sin separated us from God

All their teaching is based on the uncompromised Word of God

It is always inviting and gives everyone (young, old and even really older Harvest Kids) the opportunity to ask questions so that we can all gain wisdom and knowledge

What binds it all together for all eleven of us…was and is the precious love of God that was beautifully poured out and realized on the Cross and the hope that was given to us by the resurrection of Jesus.