“At that time Jesus said, ‘I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what You were pleased to do.” (Matthew 11:25-26)
We are thankful to have been able to have some of the Harvest Kids together this weekend and it has been a real joy. We are tentatively planning a little road trip and campout in the near future. Madilyn, Hailey and Clara were able to visit the Garden of Eden farming ministry in west Mt. Vernon and were delighted to see Cheryl and Grandma Linda working to plant more crops that the Harvest Kids will be able to help harvest and offer for donations to help their ministry to vulnerable children in central Africa. Afterwards, the kids made bracelets in the Harvest Home while Veronica was painting the first paw print for the Harvest Friends ministry. Violet is the pet lab that lives with Blake, Kylee and the girls in Granite Falls. We are hoping that very soon the board will be filled with the prints of many people’s pets from our community. Obviously, the kids showed their famous “lower lip” method they use when they are trying to make a deal with Grandpa George so they can have their way. Many thanks to Veronica for preparing them dinner and Linda for getting the smores as they prepared for the campout in the tent in their front yard. Then, in the morning, they talked Linda into making purple pancakes and taking them breakfast in bed in the tent. We had a few moments to play with the cats, practice the keyboard, do some coloring and trying out a couple of the Reggie Hunter walking sticks before having to leave for home. We have many important opportunities to help build God’s kingdom, but none more important that teaching our children how to be true disciples of Jesus Christ.