“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue, but with actions and truth.” 1 John 3:16-18
What a privilege to be in partnership with brothers and sisters in Christ in central Africa that willingly sacrifice, along with their families, every day to reach the lost in these remote communities. Our co-laborer, Charles, who works with different church families to coordinate outreaches in central Uganda, just sent a testimony of an outreach last week in a small community called Wanteete. Fifty adults accepted Jesus and twenty-five came for the discipleship class and were baptized last Sunday. We have four more coordinators from regions in Uganda, the Kenya/South Sudan border and the DRCongo that are waiting to get the sound and video equipment needed to expand their outreaches into the communities in their regions. They not only help with evangelism, but teaching pastors and leaders, strengthening existing church families and helping plant new ones to disciple new believers. It costs us about $3,600 to get the equipment, including generator, that is needed and we provide $150/month to help with transportation costs. Somehow, reading the scripture above we often limit the word “need” to something that simply meets a personal need and not a need that allows a person to unselfishly sacrifice themselves for God’s greater purpose. We petition each of you to prayerfully consider helping these brothers and sisters with their “need”.
If you would like to make a donation, they can be made on line at www.myegiving/hvm or the “electronic giving” on the home page of the www.harvestvisionministries.org website or through PayPal to harvestvision21@msn.com. If you would like to donate electronically but do not have access to the internet or would like someone to assist you, please call George Henson at 360-421-8811 or Kylee Walker at 360-540-0890. To maximize your gift, on donations directly out of a checking or savings account a fee of $.25 is withheld, while credit and debit cards the fee is $.25 + 2.7%. You can also mail donations to Harvest Vision Ministries, PO Box 733, Sedro Woolley, WA, 98284. All donations are tax-deductible and help advance the gospel of Jesus Christ and build His Kingdom.