What a beautiful day the Lord provided for the Sedro Woolley Loggerodeo parade today.
Many thanks to all the helpers including the drivers and those that loaned us their trailers for the floats.
It was a blessing for the Harvest Kids to have the opportunity to thank everyone in our community that supports them as they reach out to orphaned and vulnerable children in central Africa. They have raised $4,434 toward the $5,800 needed to finish the foundation and purchase the bricks for the 6th & 7th-grade classrooms at the Harvest Doves primary school in Kayunga, Uganda.
Your prayers and support would be appreciated.
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Everyone on the float shared that they felt the presence of God and His anointing touching the hearts of many of those that were at the parade today. We are looking forward to the testimonies of those that were comforted, counseled, or convicted by the Holy Spirit as He led us through this community that the Father loves so much that He sent His One and Only Son to suffer and die for the sin of all mankind that we might be restored to our rightful place in His eternal kingdom.
We are looking forward to seeing you and your children at the Child’s Evangelism Fellowship 5-day club at the Garden of Eden family ministry at 14799 Avon Allen Rd in west Mt. Vernon from 12:30-2 pm, Monday-Friday, July 11-15.
Adults and youth are welcome, but the lessons are geared for 5–12-year-old children.
We also have a playground, picnic area, garden, and petting zoo at the property.
Our annual garage sale for donations begins this week to help further the spreading of the gospel into different nations in central Africa.
The garage sale will be at the same location, Tuesday-Saturday, 9 am-5 pm, and will go through July.
We will also have produce available from the large garden that has been planted.
For information call George at 360-421-8811 or Linda at 360-421-8812.