It is difficult for many Christians to sacrifice to “go and make disciples of all nations”, when there is so much going on locally in our own communities and nations, but thanks be to God for those that remember what Jesus declared before He commanded us to go.
“All authority in heaven and on earth have been given to Me. Therefore go”.
Two days ago, the churches were opened in Uganda and our co-laborers are looking forward to increasing the spreading of the gospel in their communities as well as those that are spreading the gospel in Mexico, Central America and here in the USA.
“Our faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we can not see.”
God’s Word commands us to
The Lord has asked us to step out in faith and trust God for prayer warriors and people of faith that will help us get the finances needed to encourage our workers in Mexico and El Salvador, as well as Africa.
We are leaving for San Luis, Mexico on October 10 to bring a new van for the ministry and to build a new room for a printing business to help reach the community and help finance the needs of the ongoing ministry.
We will also be bringing pastors and leaders together as couples to renew their wedding vows and recommit themselves to work together as the Body of Christ and help with the launching of a church fellowship in a new part of cardboard city.
We are also sending funding for a new roof for a fellowship that was started in a small town in El Salvador during the pandemic.
The estimated costs of the printing shop is about $5,000 and the roof $2,000.
To central Africa we are also sending funding to support the 10 coordinators in 5 countries.
Please prayerfully consider helping support and encourage these co-laborers in their harvest fields, knowing that they are always praying for us here. The Master that has commissioned us for this work will multiply whatever you are led to give.