We only have to look at the things that are happening to know that Jesus is coming soon.
goats in the pasture
Two coordinators
(Titus & Lorna)
Namiango, southeastern Uganda
Two Jesus
Jesus crucified & Jesus resurrected
waiting for the start of
the Sedro Woolley Christmas parade
Two cats
(Rocket & Panda)
being friends in the
Harvest Vision office
Two Harvest Kids
visiting the petting zoo
Two dogs
(Inra & Sage)
playing in
the Garden of Eden parking lot
Two wisemen
waiting for the start of the
Sedro Woolley Christmas parade
Two alpacas
(Nova & Marble)
becoming friends at
the Garden of Eden petting zoo
Two coordinators
(Christopher & Sharon)
in Nebbi, northwest Uganda
Two servants of the Lord
crushing cans
for the Harvest Kids
at the Harvest Home
Two Harvest Kids
two chocolate-dipped cones
Two Harvest Kids
two rabbits
at the petting zoo at
the Garden of Eden
Two preachers
with two young women
accepting Jesus
in Africa.